Tag Archives: the dip

Steal Like an Artist

February 18th, 2014

This book Steal Like an Artist has long been on my list to buy, I started it last night, it’s excellent.

A quick short but motivating read.

Just a good reminder of constructive habits to fuel your creativity.

What that creativity is to you will vary but it’s applicable to anyone.

I’m happy to shout the first copy, the first person to email me [email protected] will get a copy from Amazon.

But the deal is, once you read it you have to pass it on to someone else, books like this shouldn’t sit on the shelf they’re best spread from person to person.

Pushing through pain

October 13th, 2009

Naturally we shy away from pain. ย However there are times when we should push through it and others where we should just quit.

You probably have heard someone say if it’s not coming easy, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it and to back off let it happen naturally. (ie if you ought to be doing it it should be easy).


You are doing something completely new and it’s painful because you haven’t experienced it before – you should push through.

So which is it?

There is no strict answer, you learn through experience.

However in the meantime pick up The Dip and have a read, helps you learn when to stick and when to quit.

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