Tag Archives: amazon lifestyle

Amazon Prime is Jeff Bezos Minimum Viable Lifestyle

September 15th, 2017
Amazon recently announced their Whole Foods acquisition.

Mr Bezos is basically finding more and more products in your life, that he can wrap with Amazon Prime at the middle.  Once you’re a member you’re in the club.  A club where you are the star.  If you’re in, you’re in – if you’re not you’re missing out big time.

One by one they’re chipping away, they’re probably only a few products away but once they hit that sweet spot I think they’ll face another big growth curve.  Why give Amazon a small share of your wallet when they could be making your life easier with a larger share?

It’ll be phone, internet, content, products, consumables…  what’s next – houses?

Something to think about.  Amazon is fast becoming the Walmart of modern day.

I suspect there’s a future intersection between Amazon Prime & UBI.

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