Archive for the 'Blog' Category

Creating Opportunities

If you want to get from A to B and can’t find a path.

Create one.

March 3rd, 2010

Going out on your own: Pursuing the Passion 44, 45 & 46

#44: Put some good karma out there
Do work for free, help another company that’s growing, if you don’t expect a return and it’s just for fun, much more rewarding, plus it’s free marketing for you.

#45: Leverage your communications
Leverage your story! Blog, podcast, write. Creating media that you write once but that can be read many times is the only way to truly build your business. There is only one you, so leverage your skills.

#46: Testimonials
Don’t be shy to get testimonials, these are a great way to enhance your brand but also when you ask you remind your client how good you actually are. ย They also provide reassurance to potential customers and minimise perceived risk.

March 3rd, 2010

What makes an idea worth sharing?

What makes an idea worth sharing? The fact that you’re asking the question.

March 1st, 2010

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