A little New York Trip
Being based out of New Zealand gives a unique view of the world, so I’m always keen to get out & about see what’s happening on the ground around the world.
Nothing more telling than experiencing something.
So with that, I’m off up to New York for Ad:Tech NY in a couple of weeks.
If any blog readers want to meet up always keen – just flick me a note.
We have a demo of our technology platform Nudge which identifies brand influencers which we’ll be presenting to a few companies. If you’re a brand manager (especially in FMCG) trying to figure out how to tackle digital give me a bell.
And we (via Young&Shand) have some great case studies of, doubling FMCG sales through digital, effective digital integrated campaigns and a framework for launching new consumer products. Straightforward but quite insightful
Our schedule is tight but we’re there from 3rd-11th.
Or if you know anyone that I ought to meet I’d also be keen.
For this email me [email protected]