Archive for the 'Blog' Category

Attention to detail doesn't necessarily mean perfection

Perfection requires attention to detail.

However attention to detail doesn’t mean perfection.

You can acknowledge the details and realise it’s not quite perfect & work with it.

Just look at iPhone / iPad releases.  We are amazed at what is delivered each year, yet if you internally at Apple you know what’s just around the corner.  They pay attention to detail yet realise it’s not quite perfect.

May 30th, 2011

Minimum Viable Product

The absolute barebones you need to test an idea.

Even better if you can get someone else to pay for it.  Although when it is the bare minimum chances are you can fund it yourself.

Also it’s a million times easier to sell the vision when you’ve got the minimum viable product.  Much much easier.

May 26th, 2011

The problem with benchmarking

Is that it happens anyway.  Whether or not you want it to.

The benchmarks & comparisons happen subtlety, subconsciously.

Even when you don’t think it’s happening it does.

That’s part of the problem with the brain drain, the top people who are normally benchmarked against, leave the country.  So the benchmark changes, it lowers.  So suddenly what people are comparing against is a lower performer.  As a result the whole status quo drops.

Jack Daly gave me a practical example when I talked with him, offering incentives (like iTunes gift cards) to those who won, the real reward was lifting the average performance of everyone.

May 25th, 2011

Startups create, big companies trade off

Startups create the new ideas, systems & validate the market need.  They pave the way.

Then at one point they become a big company, that value is mass market, so they begin trading it off.  Systemising it, maximum customers.  They bring the scale & the behaviour that scale requires.

They are completely different, work with it.

May 23rd, 2011

Slow burn for rapid results

I’ve just kicked off another project in the last few days.

It’s not built around fast, it’s built around a little bit of change each day. 10/15 minutes.

It takes a little longer to get started, but once you’re going, it starts to snowball. Real fast.

It also forces you to focus on what’s important, best way to achieve that & breaking down big goals into small digestible parts.

May 17th, 2011

Stand on the shoulders of giants

If someone has done it before, find out what they did, take it on board and start iterating. It’s the exact model we did at College, find some good ideas, reference them, link to our own. How come we don’t do this in business?

Hire smarter (than you) people, learn from them, decode others ideas, break them down, rebuild them.

May 12th, 2011

If you're not making mistakes

You’re probably not doing something worth your time.

May 11th, 2011

Are you creating or managing?

The key source of dissatisfaction or frustration? It’s when we swap from creating to managing.

We’re not creating physical things, new products, ideas, development. We’re maintaining, reporting……  not making actual change.

Constantly creating, curating & connecting ideas is what you want to do, create your systems so they generate. Talking to Michael Gerber of E-Myth fame earlier this year, he says the absolute best companies are those that make their customers creators, they help them create.

His business helps you create the business you want, McDonalds helps you create your meal, Apples whole product suite is based around creating & expressing.

I triple double guarantee that anytime you start to get sick of something, it’s because you’ve stopped creating.

May 10th, 2011

Continuous Improvement

Kaizen, an ongoing commitment to continuous improvement.

[From Wikipedia] The cycle of kaizen activity can be defined as:

  • Standardize an operation
  • Measure the standardized operation (find cycle time and amount of in-process inventory)
  • Gauge measurements against requirements
  • Innovate to meet requirements and increase productivity
  • Standardize the new, improved operations
  • Continue cycle ad infinitum

This is the standard business model.

It’s worth acknowledging that everything has a need for continuous improvement, constant maintenance, growth, nurturing.

The idea that you can set & forget doesn’t make any sense, especially in a technology driven world.  Embrace it.


May 2nd, 2011

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