Archive for the 'Blog' Category

Augmented reality, the inevitable step in the digitising of our world

Last weekend I waited hours in the cold to pick up the Snap Spectacles.

The week before I picked up the Google Home.

The third device, out in December, is the new Apple Earpods.

I’m keen to play with all of these.

These devices represent the early examples of the inevitable next steps in computing. The digitisation of the real world experiences.

Augmented reality is the next frontier, it’s that little step change which we can all accept and get practical use from today. The vital component required for new innovation to get adopted.

Seems Tim Cook agrees;

“AR is going to take a while, because there are some really hard technology challenges there,” he continued. “But it will happen, it will happen in a big way, and we will wonder when it does, how we ever lived without it. Like we wonder how we lived without our phone today.” MacWorld.

I’ve also shared some of my initial experiments with Google Home.


November 30th, 2016

How about a Black Friday / Cyber Monday for B2B / SAAS tools 

I would like this.

It’s called Black Friday, as it’s when the retailers shift in to the black.

It would be neat if they had the same intention for B2B/SAAS.

One time a year where there’s a bunch of deals, that helps them shift in to the black or at least close out the year strong. 

Of course it doesn’t quite make sense they should always be in the black and/or don’t want to discount.

But I’m sure there’s a way.

November 28th, 2016

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