My three most recommended books, for people making something from scratch
The three books I recommend the most, for those on the journey of making something from scratch, whether that be a career change, a startup, a personal project… these all fit the bill.
The War of Art, by Steven Pressfield
This talks through the process of creating something from nothing, it just gives you that prod you need to keep at it. Another second read by Steven is Do the Work, also excellent.
Steal Like An Artist, by Austin Kleon
This encourages us all to collect and then curate ideas that interest US. You, being the key filter, it’s about the things you like, that inspire and motivate you. As these are what help provide the input to all the work we create.
Tremendous read, it’s for the moments when you’re evaluating, should I continue or leave this project. Often I find, the projects that you care about the most, to then read this book are the ones that you should absolutely stick with. But buy it, give it a read now, then revisit as you need to.