Optimise to adventure
If in doubt, optimise to what decision has the most adventure involved.
A solid rule to live by.
If in doubt, optimise to what decision has the most adventure involved.
A solid rule to live by.
Loved this.
It tells a whole story in one line. What we are here for, what the mission is, what you’ll be doing. And gives a sense of ownership & responsibility and accountability.
For years I’ve carved out a couple of hours each Thursday night to keep projects moving along. Whether it’s something I want to learn/explore/tinker with. Investments – due diligence/reading docs/sourcing etc. Or extra projects at work that I’m moving along. I call them Thursday night projects. Creative huh. Sometimes accompanied by a good whiskey 😀
But the thought is, usually on a Thursday I can squeeze a bit more in. Friday, you’re ending the week – and trying to work on something in the evening feels double hard then. So the ideas is to spend a few hours each Thursday, on a project, keeps it moving and means in the weekend you’re like, oh I have moved ahead on that! Which creates a nice sense of progress. And lets you enjoy the weekend. Should you want to dive in again, you can.
It’s also a great time each week, for those new years resolutions, or things you want to work on this year. You have some built in time. Does it happen every Thursday? No, it’s often a day of events, or long work days. But over a year, it’s not too hard to get 30-40 evenings in.
And it’s a nice thought, oh on Thursday I’ll spend a bit of time on that.
What’s on your Thursday night project list?
I attending the inaugural MeasureCamp New York in the weekend. It’s a kind of unconference, where the participants set the agenda. I haven’t been to one in at least 12 years?! They were popular early Web 2.0 era, as kind of a way to connect with this emerging digital community you were taking part in.
And post-covid, I think it’s the same thing, to get out and reconnect with the community. One aspect I like, is this is in the weekend. You kind of have to care about it, to get away for a day.
How it works is, there is a board, with session times & rooms. You simply take a card and put your session up. Typically eyeing up what else is on at that time, because hey you don’t want to miss out. Quite neat.
The best sessions tend to be those that are come up with on the day, based on demand/discussion or seeing gaps in the topics. These are often smaller groups and end up mainly conversations. And this environment is SO conducive for that.
And in New Zealand, more of them were like that, at least the ones I went to. This one though, folks were way more were prepared with some slick presentations (which is fine!).
I did a little session on ‘How to be more strategic’ pulling the thread on a recent LinkedIn post I did. If you speak with a wide slice of data & analytics folks, or peruse Reddit. Many are complaining about getting in modes of reactivity or being drowned with requests. And so sharing these, as a way to help elevate the teams.
The idea is to help give some tools or skills to get these teams to a better place. I pulled the slides together on the Path train on the way over. Thank goodness for Keynote. And managed to do a few tidy ups once I got there.
I promised I’d share the slides, here they are:
For future revisions to this presentation, I think I would, add more examples, build a template for the data brief. Expand on the reading.
Maybe some suggestions might be on an individual level getting mentors, or bringing in my coffee onboarding approach.
I would have loved to do a session on building machine learning models, or building analytics products, reducing cognitive load in analytics. But maybe for the next one!
Thanks to Jason Packer for getting it on my radar, I had completely missed it. If you get a chance to get along to an Unconference, give it a try, it’s a bit weird to start with but by the end you’ll have had a good time.
I’ve had a few founders ask recently on my best sales books.
When I asked the founders what they had found, I realized that they were missing some of the best ones ha. The best books in this space are often hidden behind cheesy titles and cliches. But hey, think about the authors and the intended audience .
Sales is a skill you always want to develop, practice and learn more on. I think, developing those skills whilst in sales conversations is entirely achievable for anyone. Those epic sales people you love, they just had some strengths in some of the skills that got them started, then developed more over time.
Here’s my top ones:
I would recommend getting a mix of formats (audio, paperback) do check Ebay for second hand copies, just as good and way cheaper. But I’ve read and listened multiple times, and prepare yourself to reread over time. Take to them with a highlighter, or take photos, create notes on takeaways for yourself.
You’ve probably come across this story at one point or another, the story goes..
A young girl was walking along a beach upon which thousands of starfish had been washed up during a terrible storm. When she came to each starfish, she would pick it up, and throw it back into the ocean. People watched her with amusement.
She had been doing this for some time when a man approached her and said, “Little girl, why are you doing this? Look at this beach! You can’t save all these starfish. You can’t begin to make a difference!”
The girl seemed crushed, suddenly deflated. But after a few moments, she bent down, picked up another starfish, and hurled it as far as she could into the ocean. Then she looked up at the man and replied,
“Well, I made a difference for that one!”
From The Tale of the Starfish.
What a great mantra. No you can’t change everything but you can have an impact for that one person right there, or with that one client, or with that one friend. And for that person, it makes a world of difference.
You can’t help everyone but you can help this person right here right now. It’s refreshing.
I really like this as a mode of thinking, when I meet new people, I try to do what I can to help. No I can’t do everything but maybe 1-2 things will help make all the difference.
The life of a founder & entrepreneur has its ups and downs. Its times of surplus and as a friend said being skint. It just comes with the job.
Ideally you have more of the former than the latter! But the longer you’re in the game, the more likely you’ll have time periods of both.
The good (or bad news) is that after good times, comes bad times. And after bad times comes good times. The challenge is you don’t know how long either will last!
And life happens, just because you are a founder, it doesn’t mean you’re immune from the regular swings and roundabouts of life 😉
Here’s some thoughts on how you can self insure as you go. You can build things to insulate yourself from these shocks, a few I’ve found:
The more resiliency you have built up, the more enduring and durable you can be as a founder.
Which is a great super power to add. And the lessons/muscle memory & habits learnt from building up your insurance, you can apply to continuing to build your company.
Best case you don’t ever need to tap into your self insurance. In which case you can always donate it down the track!
After my wife and I got married, we did an exercise that had been suggested to me. And that was to sit and writing down, your perfectly average day, week, month and year.
You get your spouse to do it too, then you compare notes. And this helps uncover what’s the same, what’s different but it also gives you a language. This is what we’re working towards as a couple (amongst other things) and when things get hard, or when you achieve that, it brings you together.
And of course, what you do on a day, is what your life is. So it’s also a fantastic way to define how you want to live or aspire to live like.
BUT only recently have I clicked, that doing the same exercise professionally is probably a good idea. We all set new year goals, have KPIs or OKRs or objectives we are trying to achieve. But spending the time to jot down what the perfect year looks like.
For me, more conferences or getting better at repeating the same events each year, to build up that rhythm through the year and habit.
I’ve been using AI as a writing coach.
For example, I would describe a style of writing (or what I want the reader to feel) and ask for tactics on how to do that.
Then I can edit my post, or write it, and compare. Then revise.
I guess you could also drop your piece in and ask, how could I adjust this to do recreate that. But the former way teaches me, versus just modifies the writing.
Other methods I’ve been using are, check this piece for me, does this make sense? If you were this audience, what would you think of this piece.
Around this topic I really enjoyed this chat from Derek Thompson on how ChatGPT can change the future of jobs, including your own. In it, they talk about how the tools can take say a B player to an A player. I’m hoping it can help me do the with writing!
But I like that lens, doing it for you is great, but teaching and improving is better.
Or another title for this post, can you live in the city and have a good lifestyle with a family?
Being from New Zealand, this is almost incomprehensible. Typically when kids come along, you go back to NZ. Because it’s so good!
And like any parents, as kids come along and grow you, you feel those pressures to the suburbs. For more of the outdoors. More space for less money. I wanted to share, what I share with friends, about living in the West Village or in the city with a family, in New York. I really love it. I love the feel, and the energy about it.
The first couple of things, schools are very close, sub 4 minutes if I speed walk. Within 10 minutes, there are at least 8 different playgrounds. And – so is the social group for their friends, you don’t need to organise get togethers with friends, because you’re going to bump into them. You still do but the bumping into friends factor is high.
And then there’s lots of events through the year:
New York (and the US) has a massive summer break, spanning 10 or so weeks. Which gives fantastic opportunity for travel, or these days, travel + remote work. To see friends & family.
Socially, I can catch up with friends all times/places.
That’s quite different to New Zealand where social events have to be more organized and any get together is a big one! In New York it’s more frequent smaller catch ups.
Food wise
The walking distance availability of food, at a mixture of prices/quality, so you can pick to suit is so good. You don’t feel stuck with just one place.
The geography also contributes to the energy, you are 2-4 blocks from the westside park i.e. the waterfront. Which only gets better year in year out. Last summer we even got our own beach?! But summer before was Little Island. And Pier 57. It’s a playground down on the water. Lovely for an evening (or morning) run with the sun. The Westside Hudson Park really is a gem.
On top of the low rise buildings, the streets where the trees overhang. Pre-covid riding down 7th, turning off onto 11th, you feel like the world has just got a bit slower, easing into the weekend.
Physically the houses & apartments are smaller in size and footprint, you will get more square footage elsewhere. But you will find it hard to get the same amenities just around the corner. At least I’ve struggled to beat it! I guess it has that European feeling but with access to New York (and US) benefits. Which is pretty hard to bottle or replicate elsewhere.
Mobility, most of my movements these days are jumping on a Citibike, to get around the city. Since I’ve been here, I’ve cycled over 6,000km! You can fallback to train, which is reliable (but admittedly not as good as pre covid). Commuting is fast for work, 15 minutes to the office, or 20 minutes to most meetings. Can’t complain there.
Car ownership wise, the cost to park (and insurance) does make owning a car a bit cost prohibitive. Or put another way I don’t really want to pay that premium, for the convenience. SilverCar used to be good but scaled back in New York, so do use Turo when need to. Owning a car would be a level up though.
Then airports, it’s not long to Newark, JFK and Laguardia are a bit further, but you do have three options.
And then of course, you have the playground that is New York! If anything interesting is happening anywhere, chances are it will come through New York. Music, arts, business, sports. You name it. When there’s a big trend happening, or field opening up, like AI is right now. You can be in the room and be part of the change. Which is wonderful.
That is all to say, living in the city ain’t bad, yep it’s not the same. But it is pretty good if you ask me.
I’ve had on my todo list for a while, to try using a second sim on my phone for data. Most modern phones let you have two sims, to either swap between. Or you can use one for calls and the other for data.
But first let me rewind, I use Google Fi, Google’s cell network. Service wise its fantastic. Google hasn’t built their own physical cell network, it sits on cell phone networks called a MVNO. But unlike cheaper providers they usually have negotiated top priority on the other networks, so your connectivity is fast.
Then when you travel, it seamlessly swaps to the local networks, and your cost stays the same. This was the main drawcard, as when traveling before on TMobile, you were on a slow network or they didn’t have a local partner.
Compounding this, with Google Fi, you have the extra security layer protecting your account, your Google account. This helps diminish the risk of someone stealing your sim or accessing your account.
BUT, the data is expensive, $10/gig. They do have an unlimited plan, which is more reasonable but I’ve kept hearing that this isn’t so good whilst abroad, often being cut off.
So I wanted to explore, why not add a cheaper sim, and set that one to ‘data only’ for domestic use, then Google Fi data when abroad.
In effect:
And it is a low risk thing to try, because if it doesn’t work, just turn off the other sim. And resume your current plan.
Enter Helium, I happened to see the launch early December, $20/month for unlimited calls/text/data, and 5gb tethered.
It has a history, of wanting to make a peer to peer network, where instead of a centralized network, it’s a network of individual participants powering the network. You yourself can get a hotspot and contribute network coverage. Pretty neat. Subscribers can also earn tokens for helping map the network and indicate where data is most needed. This is called Mapping Rewards.
Whilst they continue to build out the network, to stop gap coverage, they have T Mobile as a back haul provider. This provides continuous service where their participants don’t yet have coverage (which to be fair looks fairly nascent).
So I got set up early December and thought would share how the experiment is going. So how is it going? Nearly two months in:
I haven’t tried calling on it, so can’t comment on that.
So far so good, I have reduced my overall mobile bill to circa $18/month (Google FI) plus taxes/international calls. Which is impressive.
A notable downside of Helium, if you enable mapping (which is optional) it does impact your battery. But so you can decide if the trade offs are worth it. I could turn it off and lift my bill to $38/month and it is still pretty reasonable for the set up.
I imagine some of that battery drain is the fact that the phone is running two sims. If you didn’t want to do Google Fi, you could use Helium & Airalo, to grab data when aboard. As Helium is domestic only, at least today.
If you want to join Helium, do use my code, I think we both get $5 off. Same with Google Fi. And/or Airalo.
In signing up to Helium you are by virtue supporting innovation in the mobile space. Forward looking, there’s a view where our cell service might be provided by lower satellites, from Starlink (or others). And a token based network might play a role in that future, to provide global connectivity.
The obvious has been work from home, and working remotely around the world.
The less obvious trend has been when families adopt this, as a distributed family unit. using the technologies to stay connected.
For example a friend shifted countries for work, wife stayed behind and they alternated going back and forth. Not an ideal set up, but a way to maximize the opportunity and also alternate between two hemispheres. The tools make this more seamless.
Or, kids out of school and to the other side of the world for a few months. Or sailing around the world on a boat. Using the tools to stay working, connecting and growing.
Or another, the kids are now at university, around the world, and the family keeps in touch, near constantly.
This in my mind is a logical step of remote work but maybe an under appreciated one. Beyond education, what new opportunities does the distributed family unit create?
I thought I’d blogged on this before, it seems not.
But wouldn’t it be neat, to have a world citizen passport, one that allowed freedom of movement, to live and work.
Passports, naturally, provide freedom of movement with reciprocal agreements between countries. And we can apply for visas to work in different countries.
But what if there was a passport, anyone could apply for, that gave this ‘global citizenship’. With the added distinction of being able to live and work.
It’s not for everyone, but there is a pool of highly capable folks, who can shift and work/live around the world. And if such a pool of passport holders existed, who wouldn’t want to grant them time.
It’s not without quirks, tax structures need to work within it. But it could work. I’m not sure who would govern it, UN? Someone else?
This probably exists in some form already, if you know what it is, please do share.
I was listening to the Longform chat with David Grann (thanks for Noah for sharing). I enjoyed it so much, I ended up listening to all four of their interviews!
I like how he describes tackling stories and an idea, to go into a story and see how it unfurls. he talks on the Squidhunter, where he (over) pitched the story. Then reality didn’t match up, to the intended story. Which he was stressed about. But that was ok, the story that unfurled was interesting and that was the story.
With entrepreneurship, it’s the same, staying open minded, agile and seeing how it unfurls is key. Sometimes there are things you can shape and form, but it’s net net it’s better to see how things play out and adjust.
That’s counter, to the stereotype of entrepreneurs, but really is a skill of the best.
I particularly enjoyed this snipped of Kevin Kelly’s chat with Tim Ferris:
“I think I had some advice in the book. I put it that I think we over overemphasize our productivity and efficiency, but the most powerful thing you can do for productivity is to — the best thing for your work ethic is to have a rest ethic.” -Kevin Kelly
What a wonderful perspective. If only collectively we put as much work into thinking about rest & rejuvenation, as we do about productivity.
We all have a todo list, goals, bucket list. What about developing our rest ethic, defining our time off, how we want to spend our rest time.
The chat digs into sabbaticals & time off, same thing, taking some time to wander to explore, to tinker. What else is all that hard work for!