Have you thought about giving users what they want?
Have you asked them what they want? Why not. Give it a try.
During the weekend I attended Barcamp Auckland. Barcamp is essentially a conference that evolves to what it’s attendee’s want. Sessions are put forward by attendee’s on the day. You go to the sessions you want.
I put forward three ideas, hoping to present one. I presented three!
1) Tech Productivity
I was first up. No planning. Had to go off the cuff (which went well). I talked over various methods of being productive but mainly focused on getting a discussion going (giving the users what they want). I quickly got to the core of their problems and let them help each other. (a metaphor for marketing that I constantly use, help me help you)
2) Creating a compelling experience online
No planning here either. I simply outlaid the framework discussed here. Then applied it and got a discussion going. The 45 minutes flew by!
3) SEO Strategy
This was a much smaller session but was of good quality. I talked through about SEO Strategy and gave away a few trade secrets (to some attendees annoyance).
Overall great day, great end result. Everyone appeared happy. As above give people what they want. If they don’t know what they want show them some options, they will pick.
For photo’s visit the Flickr group. Twitter Discussion (via summize).
Great to meet those that read my blog. I will also be attending ‘Demystifying Angel Investment‘ run by the IceHouse on the 23rd July, Auckland. You can read more here.
Great chance to get free food / beer. Find out more about angel investment, the angel network and networking. (I know you were sold on free food / beer).