12 Hour Startup Follow up
August 14th, 2008Thursday evening I threw my 12 hour startup idea at a wall to see if it would stick.
It was at the monthly Auckland, Web Meetup (great event to meet people btw)
We did a 20×20 format.ย 20 slides, 20 seconds each.ย So I thought i’d jump up and give it a shot.
12 Hour Startup is a way of bridging the gap between aiding traditional companies to becoming more dynamic.
Building upon my last post really is how to sell key stakeholders on trying this model.
How can you sell this to your management, It’s a marketing decision:
- to staff it says we value your input let’s give it a go
- to customers it says we are seeking new ways to help you
- to management it’s driving strategic direction from sales (ideas that work)
- Validation of ideas
- Stimulate Innovation & Creativity
- Out of the box thinking
- Flow on effects – employees maintaining this mindset over time
Need I continue?
Again I am seeking case studies, thanks to those that have given some feedback really appreciated
(have uploaded a copy of my presentation with basic notes, the objective was to get everyone focused on me instead of the slides, which worked)
Tags: 12 hour startup