At some stage I’d love to return to university and finish the Physics degree I began. (finished in Marketing).
One of the theories I quite liked was that; for every action or reaction it created a space time warp.
Such that for every decision you made, in a parallel universe you chose the other path.
Ultimately then the question came if you took the other route would you get to the same end result?
Which then lead into the philosophical question of fate vs controlling your destiny.
Which I’m not going to go into detail here.
However now the tone is set I want to talk about achieving goals and that multiple (often parallel) paths you can take to achieving it.
In my age group everyone is starting out in their careers often I ask how are you going to get where you want go be? And of course there are many paths.
Technology forges infinite paths.
Yet this provides more and more opportunity.
Want to be come the most well known in your industry? You can:
- Use twitter to network
- Build a blog to establish credibility
- Invest in SEO to ensure your personalised website comes up before the big names
- Create an online social network
- Build an online industry directory
Those are just some, technology has created them yet they all offer a different path of achievement.
There is no set path to achieving that goal or almost anything in this day and age. By the morning a new one has opened up.
Stop searching for the magic button and take one.
Whether it be your business direction, marketing plan or personal goals just start walking.