Archive for the 'Blog' Category

No Clicks Wasted

The internet unfortunately has a lot of wastage in the system, with cheap processing + hosting costs, there is mass abundance.

It also means there is an abundance of clicks, these actions that consumers take, which get them on to your property.

At some point in the near future, there won’t be incremental clicks around, at the moment marketers have found more new ways to get more clicks through more & new ad formats ads.

That’s the zig, the zag is right around the corner, whereby there are only so much clicks to be had. What happens in that world?

Quality. Consolidation. A better internet experience.




March 26th, 2016

Volvos Vision

“Our Vision is that no one is killed or injured in a Volvo in the year 2020″

Incredible, breathtaking to take that much responsibility – and to lead a company that way. It’s a mission grounded in the companies history of safety but also one that moves it forward to an inevitable future.

It made me think about this quote I saw on Twitter the other day, from a famous football coach Vince Lombardi:

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.

You can read more about the Volvo 2020 vision here.



March 25th, 2016

The Questions You Wish People Asked

That is what you should write and speak about.

The little things lingering in your mind that you don’t feel are being answered.

The things in plain sight that no one sees.

The elephant in the room.



March 23rd, 2016

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