Has something fundamentally changed?
Has it actually?
No really?
If it hasn’t, your initial decision probably still holds true.
Has it actually?
No really?
If it hasn’t, your initial decision probably still holds true.
If you’re having difficulty getting to a place of understanding step back and look at your assumptions.
Sometimes you need to put more effort into explaining your conclusions & assumptions before you get to your idea.
They’re the platform that you’re idea stands on, if people don’t understand them (or are even aware of them) they won’t get it. Or see the value.
That is knowing a thing or two about a subject matter.
Sometimes your domain expertise is being a specialist in five different generalist areas (as I’ve talked about here).
But don’t confuse that with expertise in a vertical.
People like Richard Branson are the rare exception however they partner with people that have domain expertise.
If you don’t have it, make sure your partner does.
Time is often the missing component, it’s something none of us have but we all use.
Surprisingly it’s often left out of planning, what is the real cost (or value) of the time that passes? Does it work to our advantage or against it?
It’s also what our customers give us, their time, their attention, we should reward them for that.
Through using up less of it or creating more enjoyment with it. Either or.
That is, a place where you keep your ideas.
Ideas that are neat, novel but not quite right. Even the ideas you do execute.
This is standard practice for Creatives, people whose careers live and die by their ideas. But you don’t have to be one to do it.
It’s like a photo album, helps you see where your ideas have come from, where they’re going but most importantly act as a way of inspiring yourself when you need fresh ideas.
Whether it’s an actual bottom drawer, a notebook or Evernote. Start it.
Once people understand they can get something last minute, they will.
Decisions will be more impulsive, as less commitment is required, average spend will go up.
I wonder what industries aren’t last minute, that could be.
Managers are having difficulty managing Gen Y.
There are tonnes of reasons why, one that’s no so obvious though is the need for high feedback loops.
Everything around Gen Y has instant feedback, Google, Taking a photo, Playstation. The one place that isn’t prevalent is the workplace.
It’s actually amazing that here’s a generation that actively seeks and wants feedback so that they can improve!
Don’t get frustrated, work with it and you’ll reap the rewards.
It’s often a great way to achieve the result you desire faster, especially when the result requires input from external parties.
Such as raising money.
Pitching ideas.
Building distribution.
You learn as you go, maintains momentum and inevitably should lead to a conclusion sooner than later.
can make the sale on the spot.
I was reminded of that on a recent trip to Beijing when the classic opening line was “Is this your first time here?”. A simple question with an obvious answer but it creates a dialog and that’s all they’re keen to do initially. The sale of course comes later.
I’ve seen the same in many developing countries, they’re good as they can’t afford the procrastination most of us tolerate. If you ever need some business inspiration, go to one to find how people that have to think (and live) on their feet everyday do it. You’ll be amazed at what you learn.