The No Strategy Marketing Strategy
September 4th, 2008I meet a company every now and again that say we have no marketing strategy [and therefore we don’t do marketing].
Your wrong.
You do.
You have the No Strategy Marketing Strategy.
In every transaction your organisation engages in you are marketing. Why? you are communicating.
Each of these interactions results in a story being told. This is a story about you.
Is this bad? Not necessarily.
However if you are already doing something (without realising it) – surely you can deliver more value by providing a focused strategy.
Sun Tzu’s famous strategy quote:
“All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.”
Everyone can replicate the tactics of your No Strategy Marketing Strategy…..
So flag your No Strategy Marketing Strategy and get to it (you have all weekend!).