Tag Archives: media kit

Bloggers Pack

October 12th, 2008

Traditionally media were given press packs.

However I think there is a huge lack of Blogger packs.

(Isn’t it frutrating as a fan of a product to have to rip logo’s from the site, photoshop them, find quotes)

In fact I haven’t seen any.

I am building my own at the moment. ย Kind of a mix of the social media press release.

If someone is going to blog about me, why not give them free stuff to help them, such as:

  • Photos
  • Quotes
  • Background Story
  • Graphics / logo
  • Contacts / Social Profiles

Let your fans talk about you easily and give them materials so they can make it their own way.

Great for people setting up communities around your brand, facebook pages, groups.

Help your fans help you.

What else do you think a bloggers pack needs? how should it be prepared?

What are you doing all the way down here? You could:
- View my about page
- Or for first timers the New Here? page
- Or maybe email this to a friend
- Or subscribe to get blog updates