Tag Archives: pinterest ad network

Pinterest, that other network

April 10th, 2015

I will admit I’m not a primary user of Pinterest, but I do use it for a couple of things.

1) Travel planning / inspiration -> the best way to figure where/what you want to do next is from images from that place. Anytime I’m traveling I do a quick search on that area to see what we could do.

2) Design Inspiration -> soaking up design inspiration to apply at home and at work.

With Nudge we actually see, if you’re targeting females Pinterest performs exceedingly well, even if you don’t optimize forย it.

In fact Pinterest is a key driver of the top 10% of the content we analyze.

So, if you haven’t yet had a dabble with it you should. And then secondly they’re slowly opening up theirย ad product, promoted pins, so you can get visuals in front of your key demographic. It’s worth a look, I’m gonna have a play.

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