Tag Archives: running

Opportunities are a vacuum for ideas, you just need to connect the two

April 11th, 2010

Just to revisit let’s look at Will Smith’s two things to be successful:

Running & Reading.


They do go hand in hand. Reading gives you knew ideas and running gives you an opportunity to digest them.

So why is it one person reads books takes away tremendous value and nada for others.

The reason I ask is I know plenty of intelligent people who read ‘the books’ yet they don’t appear to be that much improved by it.

The reason is opportunity, they don’t have the opportunity or the ability to make an opportunity to execute the ideas they’ve gleamed.

No opportunity = no risk = no success = no learning.

So why would we expect them to get the most out of it?

Running & Reading

April 2nd, 2009

Watch this quick clip of Will Smith receiving his award at the Childrens Choice 2005.

Makes sense now that he is one of the most successful male actors of our time… in summary:

1) Any problem you have had someone has already experienced it & solved it before (potentially in a different context but same framework).
2) Running (or any exercise) forces you to push yourself and squash the quitting voice inside you.

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