A Javascript CMS
March 19th, 2014A few years back, we had this insight at Y&S that in the first 90 days of a new client we weren’t consistently getting the same data. The reason for that was the process of getting tracking code installed. In those days nobody had Analytics installed – over time this was less of an issue.
The reasons they weren’t often installed were:
- It sometimes took a few revisions to get the code in all the right places, or tracking correctly.
- IT Departments would sometimes stall saying it took too long (15 minutes) to install it or raise security concerns. This slowed us down whenever we needed to put additional code like conversion tracking.
So what we did is came up with the idea of Javascript CMS, you would install one piece of javascript, everywhere. And then over time we could add extra code, depending on the page. We however kept running into security concerns around multiple pieces of javascript and detecting the URLs. So we parked it for a while.
Others clearly had the same insight as within a year there were multiple players and Google released Tag Manager – what they’d done is made a few compromises to get it worked. But hey it worked!
Our learnings from that were that we were confident of the insights, we needed to scratch up on some of our development skills to crack some of these bigger problems.
I share this story, as people do forget that behind every project that gets a green light are a few which didn’t and it’s not often because they’re bad ideas, it’s for a whole bunch of other reasons. You just need to stick with it and realise this process of creating new things is one of ups, downs, sideways but the process creates new ideas… just not every one.. .so stay committed to the process because it does work.
Tags: new ideas, non linear growth