Building a Marketing Strategy

May 13th, 2009

Building a Marketing Strategy is not straight forward, well not at least till you have done it over and over again.

Of recent I have had a lot of focus on very early stage strategy, taking a brand from nothing, starting from scratch.

The benefit of getting in at this stage is it’s very exciting, the possibilities seem to be endless, also very open to risk.

Often my job is like that of a rider, to rein the horse in, refocus on business objectives and how can we achieve that.

The strategy is always highly constrained; on time, funds & absolute need for leverage.

Oh and usually the only funds available are for my time (sometimes not even that!)

Where I am going with this is that building a marketing strategy is all about taking the steps from beginning to end and to keep taking them. ย 

Simplicity works over complexity.

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2 Responses to “Building a Marketing Strategy”

  1. @MattWilsontv Says:

    Ben, it’s about focus! You could go in a million directions when it comes to marketing but you’ve got to evaluate your ROI not only on $ but time.

    Also, i suggest reading Seth Godin for inspiration on simple ideas.

  2. Ben Young Says:

    @Matt That’s what I was hinting at with keeping taking the steps – easy to try and derive. What I find is that businesses know what they should be doing they’re just not doing it!

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