Five Star Service
April 5th, 2009Shopping at a local supermarket on Sunday I received great service from a new checkout person. ย It was at that moment I thought, why don’t they have a simple touch machine where after the transaction you can rate the service, 1 to 5 stars. ย I would have loved to give her five stars.
Imagine that, a small touch screen device, where you can rate the service in a second. ย The system then records the rating and at the end of the day the staff member gets their average rating.
Staff realise:
- They are instantly accountable
- Provides a benchmark to lift the bar
- Real time rankings by the hour (look at peaks and troughs during the day)
For the service provider:
- Instant feedback on staff
- Reward the best staff
- Compare satisfaction by time of day
- Get the real picture of what your customers think of your service
- Stimulate a cultural change in customer satisfaction, sending the right signals to staff and to customers
And for customers:
- Feel the respect for opinion
- Can reward outstanding service by giving five stars
- Feel valued
- Makes them consciously think about the level of customer service provided
Not sure on the cost but it would be worth a try! This one little thing could change the whole customer service experience.
(Extra for experts: You already realise people are doing this on twitter (see here) and will continue to do so. ย Bit of a no brainer. ย Embrace the change)
Tags: behavioural, culture change, customer service, feedback, monday ideas post
April 5th, 2009 at 5:29 pm
When I back home in China in holiday, I saw almost every bank branch has that, not touch screen but a small rating device to rate the teller… banks got money anyway.
For supermarkets here in NZ, the customers are pretty much locals, which mean you have to come to my supermarket anyway whether my service is good or not – foodtown or countdown, same pocket :).
On the other hand, rating device may cause staffs stressed? happy workers are productive workers. Personally I was very satisfied with the customer service at supermakert in general, some of them are shy but still friendly.
Just my thoughts.
April 5th, 2009 at 9:33 pm
It would be really good if this idea could e intergrated into the enftpos machine. After the transaction they could press any number 1 to 9 that would rate the service they recieved. That number would then go to the database and a print out avaliable when they want it
April 5th, 2009 at 10:23 pm
@Deon Integrated into eftpos machines would be a real winner in New Zealand.
The main aim is to signal to everyone that customer service is of importance, I wonder how successful it has been for banks in China, Joel do you recall the name?
April 5th, 2009 at 11:42 pm
Saw these all over the place in the UK. Think they were installed in Banks (if my memory is correct) but it may very well have been the local Post Office branches.
@Deon the Eftpos integration is a great idea.
April 6th, 2009 at 1:13 am
I saw this implemented for immigration at Beijing International Airport. Just a three button response
๐ :-I ๐
to indicate your satisfaction with the service. Would love to see this implemented nation wide in New Zealand. Spark entry? I’ll steal it ๐
April 7th, 2009 at 9:36 am
Great idea.
I normally rate them out of 10 though
April 7th, 2009 at 4:10 pm
@Angus go for it!
It would be interesting to see, especially in New Zealand, where I tend to believe customer service has huge room for improvement.
September 9th, 2009 at 11:03 pm
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