It’s time to upskill
January 7th, 2022New year, new you, right? Well it is a fresh start, to lay a foundation for a big step up in the year ahead. And a couple of thoughts I wanted to share were around upskilling and data.
We are now seeing the culmination of covids acceleration in the evolution of the internet. And that has brought a lot of new lingo, new tools and culture. But so many of us are having a challenge catching up on this new world. We do have two choices, to get in there and learn, or to sit this one out.
That means its time to upskill, to tinker with these new tools, to spend a few hours just trying to make something work. To find time in the calendar, not for anything specific other than to play and learn.
The year also brings a fresh start on data, what data are you using as feedback? Daily, weekly, monthly? Data nudges you along on any journey. And now don’t be so limiting to think all data is a dashboard, data can be a journal or log you keep of activity, it can be your Apple watch, it can be actual measurement. Data comes in many forms.
The power of data is often in that it just exists, it acts as a feedback loop, which keeps focus on what you’re trying to achieve. And that itself, without the substance of what the data is telling you, is very valuable.
So as you think about the year ahead, think on upskilling and what data can nudge you on the things you want to achieve.