[On getting better ideas]

May 30th, 2010

“You don’t refine ideas, you refine the borders for within they need to operate”


4 Responses to “[On getting better ideas]”

  1. Daniel Phillips Says:

    I absolutely agree – the integrity of a great idea should never be compromised, but to make it work you often need to execute within defined parameters… which more often than not need pushing.

  2. Louis Rosas-Guyon Says:

    It’s all about finding the untapped opportunity. Good one Ben!

  3. Lisa Says:

    Another classic Ben…

    Either, I’m too lazy to think of anything for myself so I am quoting someone but not giving them credit. OR I am so awesome I need to be quoted “Look at me, I require quotation”


  4. Bangalow Accomodation Says:

    Nice streaming of original thought there Ben ๐Ÿ™‚ We are a business new to SM and seeking inspiration to better crystalise our own ideas, thanks for your posts I am finding them very original.

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