Tag Archives: great

What does all this have to do with Marketing

October 7th, 2008

Of recent there have been posts around Do What you Love, Life Marketing, Those that turn up

What do these have to do with Marketing?

Simple they are all marketing.

If you as a person, are doing what you love, turning up where others are not, thinking of the bigger picture, what do you think this says about you?

What is the conversation going on in people that surround you?

The conversation is going to be much more engaging than otherwise.

Now imagine:

  • Your company is built up on people that do all of these
  • Your customers deal with these kinds of people day to day
  • In rough times what kind of people are going to stick it out?
Suddenly it makes sense.  Marketing is communication and communication happens between people.  Quite often we forget that.

(and for those worried you can breath a sigh of relief, it all intertwines).

Do What You Love

October 7th, 2008

In this day and age you should be doing what you want.

“do what I want”

Life is so much more rewarding when you are doing what you love, what your passion is, whatever it is that makes your heart soar.

It’s much easier to motivate yourself, create a balanced life and hard work pays off in magnitudes.

Given recent economic changes, now is the best time to get into doing what you love, as weaker competitors will be knocked out of the market thus leaving room for you to dominate.

So if not now, when?

(if you don’t think this has anything to do with marketing, think again, the bigger picture is coming soon)

Great but not Great Enough?

September 17th, 2008

I am roughly half way through my September blog challenge.  To post each and every business day.

The reason being a lot of gem’s in my catalog were being pushed back each week.

Suprisingly (and yet not at the same time) I have the same problem.

I have made a commitment to engage and dedicate more time to providing content.

It has spiralled.  Now I have more gems and to be honest.  I think they may never see the light of day.

They are great but not great enough when it comes to the crunch.

That is the key.

When the cut comes to the chase, ideas can be great, but are they great enough?

You decide.

Rather than put ideas out there that are great, I’d rather keep to the ones that are great enough.

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