Tag Archives: risk

The essence of an entrepreneurs genius

June 11th, 2012

is in seeing that something is a far surer bet than the world thinks.

It’s not that they take unfathomable risks, it’s that their unique perspective helps them understand the real risks involved.


Via a great couch conversation with Malcolm Gladwell conducted by Toronto Public Library.


July 6th, 2011

The consistent things about change:

1) It’s always relative.

2) It’s not that bad.

3) Our receptiveness to change depends on our internal risk scorecard (see: Risk Homeostasis).  In short we are happy with change in some parts of our lives not others.

4) It’s good for us.  Keeps us on our toes.

5) Change has flow on effects.  Always.  Ensure that change is having positive flow on.



The "not my job" people

May 20th, 2010

You know the kind, “can’t do that, it’s not my job”.

It’s very easy (for me or anyone to say) they shouldn’t exist.

Truth be told, the fact that they exist in an organisation often reflects the companies culture.

However if you can change their attitude in such an environment, it’ll help, make the swing.

Reward initiative, reward ideas, reward risk.  Most of all reward those that sidestep their job description to get the job done.

Risk Homeostasis [please read now]

March 7th, 2010

Risk Homeostasis is a theory that humans have a certain level of acceptable risk and we will seek to keep that in equilibrium.

If we take high risk in one part of our life we will seek to minimise it in another part.

For example, in a Munich Case Study two groups of taxis were monitored for accidents.  One group had ABS brakes installed, the others stayed with the regular breaks.  You would think then that the ABS guys had less accidents right?

Wrong.  What they found was the accident rate was about the same, the group with ABS having gained better braking would take other risks (ie braking late).

Have a read over at WikiPedia.  Watch my video below on RadioWammo discussing it:


It has interesting implications for all change, innovation and risk when you think about it.

Thanks to Malcolm Gladwell for the inspiration in his latest book What the Dog Saw.


February 23rd, 2010

If you’re not making mistakes you’re probably not doing something worth your time.


May 26th, 2009

How much experimenting do you do?

How often are you trying something new?

I hope you can recall the last experiment you made.

You see if you’re not trying something new, you’re not risking and if you’re not risking you’re not learning.

If you’re not learning your stagnant.  And being dead in the water isn’t helping anyone.  Let alone yourself.

I suspect if your reading this you do experiment, my challenge to you then is to encourage others to experiment, get them to question the world.

Risk is….

March 26th, 2009

Risk is fun

Rick is rewarding

Risk is challenging

Risk is different

Risk is worth it

Risk is visionary

Risk is risky

Risk is the best dam thing I learned to do growing up.

I fail lots

July 17th, 2008

Well, I do…

At least 2 – 4 times / month


I also learn 2 – 4 things / month that don’t work

I only recently realised that

I have become so accustomed to failure that I bounce back virtually instantaneously


but awesome! this means I am willing to give anything a go.

Chances are the cost of doing it outweigh the cost of not doing it…

plus every now and again i come up with something brilliant!

this blog being one of them 😉

so go ahead

try some crazy ideas, fail lots and win sometimes.

(believe me, you’ll soon forget the failures, learn the lessons and win overall!)

(and you’ll get better at minimising risk and limiting the downside)

(oh and once your no longer afraid of failure the world is your oyster)

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