The easiest people to sell to

July 20th, 2009

Are those you have already sold to before.

Pick up the phone, ring all your current clients and previous clients.

What issues are they having? Can you help them? Maybe you can pitch an idea to them?

Looking after and obsessing about your current clients is much easier than trying to sell to a completely new client.

A potential client of mine is looking to turn a whole industry upside down, just by obsessing about their clients rather than always seeking the new client (as is the industry standard). ย I think they’ll be quite successful…

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One Response to “The easiest people to sell to”

  1. Craig Dewe Says:

    It’s amazing how many business owners miss this… but don’t let the secret out as it’ll make my first consulting recommendation less insightful and genius ๐Ÿ˜›

    Heaven forbid I have to come up with ANOTHER idea to increase sales overnight…

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