Undercut by Passion
June 1st, 2009I help organise a local tech entrepreneurs drinks once a month, it was at the last oneย I was discussing Chris Andersons article Free… with Nic of Litmos a few night backs, we both agreed that yes you can get undercut by free.
If you look at the long run, who is still about, who keeps turning up? It’s those that persevere.
(Especially when you look at bootstrapped startups.)
In order to do so you must be making money somewhere.
You must also have a passion for what you do.
Sure someone can undercut your service by making it free but do they have the passion to keep at it? Through the hard times, the ups and the downs.
You see you can be undercut by free and still thrive but being undercut by passion? That’s a hard hard battle.
You should stick to what you’re passionate about.
Tags: bootstrapping, passion, startups
June 1st, 2009 at 7:10 pm
Thanks for the mention Ben!
Yes, life is most definitely ALL about passion… Whether it’s the people around you, sports, a hobby, traveling or your job, if you don’t feel passion for it, sooner or later it will start to grate on you and that’s when things start to slide downhill.
Most especially in the case of your own start-up business. I do not believe it’s possible to keep pushing something towards success, with everything you’ve got, if the passion is gone. Because along with that passion goes your belief in the idea, and you just can’t sell your idea to someone else if you don’t believe in it.
June 1st, 2009 at 8:13 pm
Well said.
“You just canโt sell your idea to someone else if you donโt believe in it”. Couldn’t agree more.