Give your customers a gift

September 6th, 2009

wine-airplaneA gift to take home.

A token to show their friends.

A reminder of how much they enjoyed your product.

I enjoyed this wine on a recent flight, St Hallett – Poachers Blend.  It was really good, so I read the label.

On the back you can see is a little tab that you can pull of the label.  It has the name of the wine and more information on the back.

Very neat – now I know which wine to get!  I didn’t check but they could take it one step further and on the back have a coupon (so only those that have taken it off find it) – 10% off if you buy in Duty Free once you jump off the plane.  Just a thought but I think they are already doing enough.

So why not give your customers a gift?

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One Response to “Give your customers a gift”

  1. Cornelis Says:

    Hi Ben,

    Great idea indeed. This is another great example from a South African winemaker that has even won awards for his marketing:


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