Results 1 – 10 of about 19,100 for bwagy
May 3rd, 2010That’s what shows up when I Google ‘bwagy’.
Amazing huh?
That’s 19,100 opportunities for me to capture people and then engage them.
I do remember when it was 7 results. Most were typos at that point in time.
Keep in mind, as long as they don’t get deleted, this content will be there for ever.
Produced once, consumed over and over.
I’m not gloating, just saying, one by one it all adds up. Each piece of content started with a thought, then a sentence, then a post. The sum is greater than the individual parts… and I see that day by day more and more people stumbling across what I do.
Definitely food for thought.
Tags: blogging, content, infinite, leverage, opportunities