Starting the waterfall

January 16th, 2011

When overwhelmed looked at what creates the waterfall, what one problem when solved will solve all the others.

As a startup this is usually just sales, if you have sales, everything else tends to fall into place.

I was reminded of this as we met with an augmented reality company, who said users tended to just focus on the software and lose focus on their surroundings. ย Which actually meant they performed much better, as they focused on one thing, and everything else fell into place.

It’s like playing a racing game, you can focus on trying to beat your competitors, watch the clock, avoid obstacles, use boost and upgrades to win OR you can focus on great driving and just that. ย It’s great driving which wins the race and everything else falls to the wayside.

Focus on the one issue which drives success of everything else. Finding this issue or problem, which in solving, solves all your others.


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