Blogging Club: My first step towards leverage

October 15th, 2009

This isn’t my typical post, but it is relevant and follows up on What do I do? And what I’m working on.

Due to demand (and the inability to clone myself) I am opening up the opportunity for people to join a private blog whereby I can use my experience blogging to help you leverage your own efforts. Read on for more….

bwagy blogging club

I am offering a fixed price 12 week course to help you truly leverage blogging.

Please read on for what you get, who this is good for, how it will add value and what you need to do next.

You will get:

  • Weekly tips and action points on improving your blogging
  • How to strategically (and solidly) grow your blog & subscriber base
  • How to monetise and improve sales from blogging
  • How to measure what matters and what to do with that information
  • Learn the 20% that creates 80% of the results, blogging shouldn’t take up your whole day
  • Direct feedback loop with Ben, converse in private and with other members
  • Learn what software to use and why to use it
  • Find out the ways to leverage your efforts to benefit business for the next decade
  • Find out WHY readers will spread and share your content for you
  • Build a leverage system that will automatically build your traffic base for you.
  • How to find and source content ideas
  • Fine tuning your blog to build your brand
  • How blogging can decrease your online marketing expenditure

The list goes on and on. We will start at the basics and extrapolate from there.

Who is this good for?

  • Small businesses who wish to leverage the #1 marketing tool: blogging
  • Bloggers who have been frustrated at dismal results
  • People who like to learn from (and thus avoid) others mistakes
  • Freelancers, Soloentrepreneurs, home businesses whom can benefit from a strong local presence
  • Networkers or People who wish to make things happen in their career, blogging can help get your name out there
  • Online businesses who need to qualify leads
  • Startups (or companies in pre-startup phase) build buzz before you even launch
  • Professionals who rely (and want to grow) their personal brand
  • Corporates who need to be doing this but don’t know where to (or how to) start

Further you also:

  • Get direct access to me
  • Can ask questions which you can’t in a public format
  • Get access to private (and internal) documents, videos and podcasts
  • All members receive a copy of the bwagy blogging strategy, an action list to put your blogging on steroids today. (Valued at $199).  This is the outline of how I have grown my blog from nothing and how you can do the same.
  • Access to my networks to help you with the areas you struggle in. We will feature a few specialists to show you additional ways to grow your blog.
  • I will also make available technical help should you need it.

How does this put money directly in your own pocket?

  • Stop researching. Find out from my experience what you should be doing.
  • Avoid costly mistakes, you can spend months or years making basic mistakes.
  • Save time.
  • We will cover how to use blogging to build your business.
  • Increase sales & conversions from your blog.
  • Open the door to new opportunities, networks and business development (how can you put a price on that?).
  • Increase your charge out rate, by being known as a leader in your market you can charge more.

What are the outcomes?

  • Armed with a strategy to march forward with.
  • A permission asset for you to grow that attracts and qualifies leads.
  • A strategic approach to establish market dominance online.
  • An asset which helps build word of mouth AND brand equity.

All you have to do is step back and look at what I have created with this blog to see whether you can or can’t benefit from my experience.  Time is everything and instead of repeating the same mistakes that every blogger makes you can jump the queue (and your competition) by taking the course.

If you complete the course; follow the steps laid out and still don’t feel you have profited from the course email me [email protected] and I will give you a full refund.

What do you get if you sign up today?

  • Immediate access to my Blogging Strategy Document.
  • A secured spot.  The course kicks off November 2nd but we will make pre-training materials available beforehand.

There are three options (update: we revised pricing more info here):

  1. bwagy blogging club membership (plus blogging strategy) $399 nzd.
  2. Legends upgrade.  Bundle the course with a signed copy of my book The Best Ideas are Free and a half hour one to one phone session completed at an agreed time during the course. $599 nzd[Limit 10]. Update:
  3. Spread the payment out $133 nzd/month for 3 months.

What to do next?

Sign up here for immediate access to your blogging strategy and prepare for kick off November 2nd.

[Registrations close October 30th]

In summary:

  • We are offering an exclusive blog training course starting November 2nd.
  • You get weekly content helping you grow your blog (and your business).
  • It costs $599 nzd.

Sign up here.

I truly look forward to working with you and helping you leverage your blog.


– Ben

Did I mention you get to take away full pdfs of the course so you can carry on in your own time?


Ok time to stop, if you are serious about blogging, reread again and sign up.

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7 Responses to “Blogging Club: My first step towards leverage”

  1. Elliot Alexander Says:

    This sounds exciting Ben, and not to mention good value for what one will learn and take away

  2. Ben Young Says:

    Thanks Elliot much appreciated 🙂

  3. Robbie Mackay Says:

    Great Idea Ben.
    Would it be useful for charities/non profits to learn about blogging too?
    Not only thinking of Greenpeace, but I there are other groups I might pass it on to.

  4. Ben Young Says:

    @Robbie Definitely, they have such a valuable story to share it often pains me that a charity isn’t blogging! They stand just as much to benefit as a business would.

  5. Rebecca Ganz Says:

    Hi Ben – keen to know how much time commitment involved. Very cool idea – good on you


  6. Ben Young Says:

    @Rebecca A few hours a week roughly to maximise the value. The more you put in the more you get out of it though. -Ben

  7. Bit of housekeeping | bwagy Says:

    […] Blogging Club: My first step towards leverage […]

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