Crafted Curated Words.
June 1st, 2011It’s time for another experiment, not that I’ve ever stopped, but one which I’d love for you guys to take part in.
As most of you know, I’m a massive Kiva evangelist, the concept just works on every level. Simply read my past posts.
One of my goals this year is to get $10,000 usd into my Kiva account. And to invest that in micro finance loans around the world. It’s something I really really believe in and see it as a form of everyday achievable philanthropy.
I will hit that goal – but I’d like to offer you guys the opportunity to help me (and in turn those I loan to).
One idea was to sell words.
That’s right sell words.
Mind you, not just any words.
Words that have been formed from thousands of hours of work, research, reading & experience.
Words that are curated to have maximum impact.
Not words for everyday people. But words that will have impact for the right person.
Words that once understood will create change. I won’t explain. I’ll create the spark. You finish the journey and fill in the dots.
Tomorrow I’ll share the first curated collection.