the bwagy classics
September 16th, 2009By now you will have received a number of posts from the blog which I’m sure you are enjoying (over 300 since day 1 in fact!)
Often it’s not the post itself but what you take away from the ideas that provide the most value. A conversation, a new idea, something you can implement in your own life.
That’s the real kick I get, stimulating new thought that wouldn’t have happened otherwise.
Blogs are fantastic in providing fresh content each and every day – however the restriction is how do I expose some of the classics to new readers? So what I have done is included some of them below.
The Most Popular Posts (ever)
You Can do what YOU Want
Why Entrepreneurs should go to university
12 Hour Startup
bwagy marketing manifesto
Free Marketing Advice Pay What You Want
Most Controversial
You Can do what YOU Want
Why Entrepreneurs should go to university
Five Star Service
12 Hour Startup
Remarkable Content is like a drug
My Personal Favourites
You Can Do What You Want
You are Always Wrong
Are you made of rubber?
How I am tipping the book model
Fifteen Percent on
bwagy Networking Theory
And any post on Kiva http://blog.local/tag/kiva/
Tags: 300 posts, blogging, bwagy classics, posts